min. read
March 14, 2018

Exploring the brain of a fly

MetaCell hosted this webinar to present Virtual Fly Brain, a unique resource for Drosophila neuroscience to produce fly brain data-driven imaging, visualization and browsing, ultimately providing the data to generate circuit hypotheses and identify research tools to test them.

Exploring the brain of a fly

Neuroscience is advancing at a tremendous pace: the generation of circuit level hypotheses is experiencing an accelerated growth and it is now accompanied by an unprecedented ability to visualise, manipulate and record from individual neurons, in vivo.

In this webinar you'll learn about the latest technological advancements in how disparate, large-scale datasets can be integrated, visualized and linked to a knowledge base and curated literature in the context of the brain of the Drosophila.

MetaCell, world leaders in software for neuroscience, hosted this free, open webinar to present Virtual Fly Brain, a unique resource for Drosophila neuroscience to produce fly brain data-driven imaging, visualization and browsing, ultimately providing the data to generate circuit hypotheses and identify research tools to test them. VFB is a joint effort of the University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh and EMBL-EBI - funded by the Wellcome Trust.

With exceptional guest speakers from the Virtual Fly Brain project, you'll learn how you could make the most of your neuroscience imaging data and use your browser to explore the anatomy and the intricate relationships inside a brain.

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